» Từ khóa: plan

Kết quả 85-96 trong khoảng 102
  • Repair of industrial equipment

    Repair of industrial equipment

    Repair of industrial equipment/ B. Gelberg, G. Pekelis. -- 1st ed.. -- Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1978 356p. includes index; 19cm. Summary: Nội dung chính: 1. Cơ khí máy. 2. Máy công cụ. 3. Quản trị xí nghiệp. 4. Industrial equipment -- Maintenence and repair -- LCSH. 5. Machinery -- Maintenence and repair -- LCSH. I. Pekelis, G. Dewey Class no. : 658.27 -- dc 21, 621.90287Call no. : 658.27 G315 Dữ liệu...

     11 p hcmute 18/10/2013 473 1

    Từ khóa: Employees, Recruiting, Manpower planning, Personnel management

  • Engineering manufacturing processes in machine and assembly shops

    Engineering manufacturing processes in machine and assembly shops

    Engineering manufacturing processes in machine and assembly shops/ D. Maslv. V. Danilevsky, V. Sasov; Translated from the Russian by Nicholas Weinstein. -- 1st ed.. -- Moscow: Mir, 1967 420p.; 22cm. 1. Kỹ thuật gia công cơ khí. 2. Máy công cụ. 3. Manufacturing processes. Dewey Class no. : 670 -- dc 21 Call no. : 670 M397 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN001283 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )

     12 p hcmute 18/10/2013 473 1

    Từ khóa: Employees, Recruiting, Manpower planning, Personnel management

  • Steelmaking


    Steelmaking/ V.A. Kudrin; Translation fom the Russion by V.V. Afanansyev. -- 2nd ed. -- Moscow: Mir, 1985. 360p. includes index; 24cm. 1. Luyện kim. I. Afanansyev, V.V., Translator. II. Oils, G.N., D.Sc. Dewey Class no. : 669.9 -- dc 21 Call no. : 669.9 K95 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN001195 (DHSPKT -- KD -- ) SKN001196 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )

     8 p hcmute 18/10/2013 307 1

    Từ khóa: Employees, Recruiting, Manpower planning, Personnel management

  • Steelmaking


    Steelmaking/ V.A. Kudrin; Translation fom the Russion by V.V. Afanansyev. -- 2nd ed. -- Moscow: Mir, 1985. 360p. includes index; 24cm. 1. Luyện kim. I. Afanansyev, V.V., Translator. II. Oils, G.N., D.Sc. Dewey Class no. : 669.9 -- dc 21 Call no. : 669.9 K95 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN001195 (DHSPKT -- KD -- ) SKN001196 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )

     7 p hcmute 18/10/2013 301 1

    Từ khóa: Employees, Recruiting, Manpower planning, Personnel management

  • Erection and operation of metallurgical plant

    Erection and operation of metallurgical plant

    Erection and operation of metallurgical plant/ N. Kasatkin. -- Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1975 444p. 22cm. 1. Metallurgy. 2. Xưởng luyện kim. Dewey Class no. : 669.028 -- dc 21 Call no. : 669.028 K19 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN001190 (DHSPKT -- KD -- ) SKN001191 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )

     9 p hcmute 18/10/2013 354 1

    Từ khóa: Employees, Recruiting, Manpower planning, Personnel management

  • A general theory of furnaces

    A general theory of furnaces

    A general theory of furnaces/ M.A. Glinkov and G.M. Glinkov. -- Moscow: Mir, 1980. 286p. includes index; 20cm. 1. Luyện kim. 2. Metallurgy. I. Glinkov, G.M. Dewey Class no. : 669.028 -- dc 21 Call no. : 669.028 G561 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN001187 (DHSPKT -- KD -- ) SKN001188 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )

     9 p hcmute 18/10/2013 476 1

    Từ khóa: Employees, Recruiting, Manpower planning, Personnel management

  • Electrometallurgy of steel and ferro alloys

    Electrometallurgy of steel and ferro alloys

    Electrometallurgy of steel and ferro alloys/ F.P.Edneral Vol.2 Steel casting. Manufacture of ferro alloys. -- Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1979 245p.; 22cm. 1. Electrometallurgy. 2. Mạ điện. 3. Mạ kim loại. I. . Dewey Class no. : 669.0284 -- dc 21 Call no. : 669.0284 E24 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN001183 (DHSPKT -- KD -- ) SKN001184 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )

     6 p hcmute 18/10/2013 331 1

    Từ khóa: Employees, Recruiting, Manpower planning, Personnel management

  • Mechanical metallurgy

    Mechanical metallurgy

    Mechanical metallurgy/ George E. Dieter. -- London: McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, LTD., 1961 615p.; 22cm. 1. Luyện kim -- Lý thuyết. 2. Metallurgy. I. . Dewey Class no. : 669.02 -- dc 21 Call no. : 669.02 D565 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN001182 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )

     10 p hcmute 18/10/2013 223 1

    Từ khóa: Employees, Recruiting, Manpower planning, Personnel management

  • Physical Metallurgy

    Physical Metallurgy

    Physical Metallurgy / A.Gulyaev; Translator: V. Afanasyev/ Vol.2. -- 2nd. ed. -- Moscow: Mir, 1980. 316p. includes index; 23cm. 1. Luyện kim. 2. Metallurgy. I. Afanasyev, V., Translator. Dewey Class no. : 669.02 -- dc 21 Call no. : 669.02 G973 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN001170 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )

     7 p hcmute 18/10/2013 302 1

    Từ khóa: Employees, Recruiting, Manpower planning, Personnel management

  • Physical chemistry of metals

    Physical chemistry of metals

    Physical chemistry of metals/ Lawrence S. Darken, Ph.D. and Robert W. Gurry, Ph. D. -- 1st ed. -- New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1953. 33p. Includes index; 24cm. 1. Luyện kim. I. Gurry, Robert W., Ph. D. Dewey Class no. : 669.02 -- dc 21 Call no. : 669.02 D219 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN001166 (DHSPKT -- KD -- ) SKN001167 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )

     8 p hcmute 18/10/2013 232 1

    Từ khóa: Employees, Recruiting, Manpower planning, Personnel management

  • Computer operations: Procedures and Management

    Computer operations: Procedures and Management

    Computer operations: Procedures and Management / aMarjoriea Leeson. -- 1st ed. -- Columbus: Glencoe, 1992. 605p. includes index.; 29cm. ISBN 0 574 18625 5 1. Electronic data processing department. 2. Quản trị học. Dewey Class no. : 658.05 -- dc 21Call no. : 658.05 L487 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN001114 (DHSPKT -- KD -- ) SKN00116 (DHSPKT -- KD -- ) SKN001115 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )

     9 p hcmute 18/10/2013 379 1

    Từ khóa: Employees, Recruiting, Manpower planning, Personnel management

  • Systems analysis and design and the transition to objects

    Systems analysis and design and the transition to objects

    Systems analysis and design and the transition to objects / Sandra Donalsdson Dewitz. -- 1st ed. -- New York: The McGraw-Hill Co., 1996 557p. includes index.; 24cm. ISBN 0 07 114141 3 1. Quản lý xí nghiệp. 2. Quản trị nhân sự . Dewey Class no. : 658.4 -- dc 21Call no. : 658.4 D523 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN001089 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )

     10 p hcmute 18/10/2013 465 1

    Từ khóa: Employees, Recruiting, Manpower planning, Personnel management

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