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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
Writing transformational grammars: An introduction
The purpose of this book is to help the reader learn how to write transformational grammars, i.e. grammars based on a theory of language description on originated by Noam Chomsky. To write a transformational grammar, one must have an understanding of transformational theory; consequently this book will also help the reader gain some understanding of that theory
7 p hcmute 04/08/2020 283 1
Từ khóa: English language - Business English - Sthudy and teaching, Interdisciplinary approach in education. I. Maggie Jo St John
The would of word: A language reader
The essays in this collection describe, illustrate, and dramatize the interplay between language and life from various personal, historical, social, and cultural perspectives
9 p hcmute 03/08/2020 251 1
Từ khóa: English language - Business English - Sthudy and teaching, Interdisciplinary approach in education. I. Maggie Jo St John
This book is designed for use in schools and colleges where scientists, engineers, or other technical personnel are educated; for industrial-training groups; and for individuals who wish to improve their skill in oral communication.
6 p hcmute 03/08/2020 291 1
Từ khóa: English language - Business English - Sthudy and teaching, Interdisciplinary approach in education. I. Maggie Jo St John
The editors of Language, Form, and Idea believe that a collection of readings for the freshman English course should accomplish three primary purpose: It should help the student improve his writing by making him aware of rhetorical principles as exemplified in the work of skill writers; it should give him the kind of information about language-historical, psychological, semantic-needed by a generally educated person; and finally, it should, by...
9 p hcmute 03/08/2020 276 1
Từ khóa: English language - Business English - Sthudy and teaching, Interdisciplinary approach in education. I. Maggie Jo St John
This book inlude English textbook written by Russian
3 p hcmute 03/08/2020 287 1
Từ khóa: English language - Business English - Sthudy and teaching, Interdisciplinary approach in education. I. Maggie Jo St John
One language for the world and how to archieve it
What would happen if all the children in the world learned another language along with their own? Not just another language, but the same language?
7 p hcmute 03/08/2020 331 1
Từ khóa: English language - Business English - Sthudy and teaching, Interdisciplinary approach in education. I. Maggie Jo St John
The subject of this book is the composition process as it is revealed in its three main stages: invention, arrangement, and style. The intent is to provide freshman student with a collection of prose pieces which will supplement instruction in composition in two main way: by illustrating the process a writer follow from source to statement, and by providing models for classroom analysis and discussion.
8 p hcmute 03/08/2020 251 1
Từ khóa: English language - Business English - Sthudy and teaching, Interdisciplinary approach in education. I. Maggie Jo St John
B HacTOHUtfiH yneỐHHK aHiviHHCKoro H3biKä npeA- Ha3Ha*ỉeH ÆJIH CTyAeHTOB I—II KypCOB HHCTHTyTOB 4)II3HHeCKOH KyJIbTypbl. yqeỐHHK MOK6T ỐblTb HC- n0Jib30BaH CTyßeHTaMH ÄpyrHX By30B ÆJ151 H3yqeHH5ỉ enopTHBHOH JI6KCHKH H pa3rOBOpHbIX TeM, a T3KKG npenoAaBaTejiflMH H ymrrejiflMH (j)H3HHecKoro BOC- ÜHTaHHH. y^eốHHK nocTpoeH B C00TB6TCTBHH c TpeỐOBa- HHHMH nporpaMMbi no aHiviHHCKOMy H3biKy ÄJIH He- H3bIKOBHX CneUHaJIbHOCTeH...
12 p hcmute 03/08/2020 298 1
Từ khóa: English language - Business English - Sthudy and teaching, Interdisciplinary approach in education. I. Maggie Jo St John
Problems in criterion - referenced measurement: CSE monograph series in evaluation
These paper were prepared, and the senior editor was asked to survey the concerns they represented and then select a group of psychometricians who would propose solutions to the problems perceived by the practitioners.
5 p hcmute 03/08/2020 284 1
Từ khóa: English language - Business English - Sthudy and teaching, Interdisciplinary approach in education. I. Maggie Jo St John
The two basic approaches to linguistics are the formalist and the functionalist approaches. In this engaging monograph, Frederick J. Newmeyer, a formalist, argues that both approaches are valid. However, because formal and functional linguists have avoided direct confrontation, they remain unaware of the compatability of their results. One of the author's goals is to make each side accessible to the other. While remaining an ardent formalist,...
6 p hcmute 20/07/2020 310 1
Từ khóa: English language - Business English - Sthudy and teaching, Interdisciplinary approach in education. I. Maggie Jo St John
Semantics and the philosophy of language
This collection of thirteen classic essays in philosophic semantics has become a major reference source for inquiry into the meaning of truth and the philosophy of language. Exact reproductions of the articles as they originally appeared, the papers cover a variety of semantic problems, all basic to the framework of the entire field but none too difficult or technical for the non-specialist, and none too particularized or simple for the...
4 p hcmute 20/07/2020 254 1
Từ khóa: English language - Business English - Sthudy and teaching, Interdisciplinary approach in education. I. Maggie Jo St John
Mentalism and objectivism in linguistics
My original purpose in writing this book was to trace the history of a certain view of language from Lazarus Geiger (1829-1870) through Max Meyer (1873-1967) and Albert P. Weiss (1879-1931) to Leonard Bloomfield (1887-1949), and this has remained my main intention. But while the transmission from Geiger to Bloomfield was remarkably specific, the ideas involved were part of a general intellectual development, the main features of which it has...
18 p hcmute 20/07/2020 372 1
Từ khóa: English language - Business English - Sthudy and teaching, Interdisciplinary approach in education. I. Maggie Jo St John