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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
During the course of his military career, Bud Day won every available combat medal, escaped death on no less than seven occasions, and spent 67 months as a POW in the infamous Hanoi Hilton, along with John McCain. Despite sustained torture, Day would not break. He became a hero to POWs everywhere -- a man who fought without pause, not a prisoner of war, but a prisoner at war.
3 p hcmute 25/08/2020 120 1
Từ khóa: 1. English. 2. English language. 3. English -- Reading skills. 4. Tiếng Anh. I. Kendall, Jane.
The Adams Secret Decoder
3 p hcmute 25/08/2020 141 1
Từ khóa: 1. English. 2. English language. 3. English -- Reading skills. 4. Tiếng Anh. I. Kendall, Jane.
"Tories and Patriots" continues the saga of Private Will Stoner of the Massachusetts Artillery as the British fleet arrives in New York harbor in the summer of 1776. Under fire for the first time, Will barely escapes the disastrous defeat of the American Army at the Battle of Brooklyn. Fighting alongside the Marblehead Mariners, Will and his gun crew inflict heavy losses on the Hessians at the Battle of Pelham Bay, and then retreat the length...
3 p hcmute 25/08/2020 154 1
Từ khóa: 1. English. 2. English language. 3. English -- Reading skills. 4. Tiếng Anh. I. Kendall, Jane.
Saturn is the showpiece planet of our solar system. It may not be the largest, nor the smallest, nor even the only planet with rings. But it is among the most stunning objects in the sky and is always breathtaking when seen in a telescope.
3 p hcmute 24/08/2020 148 1
Từ khóa: 1. English. 2. English language. 3. English -- Reading skills. 4. Tiếng Anh