» Từ khóa: computer

Kết quả 301-312 trong khoảng 508
  • Thực hành thành thạo AutoCAD 2002

      Thực hành thành thạo AutoCAD 2002

    Thực hành thành thạo AutoCAD 2002 / Lữ Đức Hào, Lê Nguyên Phương/ T.2: Vẽ các đối tượng 2D . -- Hà Nội: Thống Kê, 2002. 433tr. ; 21cm. 1. Đồ họa máy tính. 2. AutoCAD (Phần mềm máy tính). 3. AutoCAD 2002. 4. Computer-aided design -- LCSH. I. Lê Nguyên Phương. Dewey Class no. : 006.6 -- dc 21 Call no. : 006.6 L926-H252 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKV008482...

     10 p hcmute 10/12/2013 326 1

    Từ khóa: Đồ họa máy tính, AutoCAD, Phần mềm máy tính, AutoCAD 2002, Computer-aided design, LCSH

  • Pascal cho mọi người

     Pascal cho mọi người

    Pascal cho mọi người/ K.L. Boon, Nguyễn Phúc Trường Sinh, Lê Trường Tùng(Dịch ), Tuấn Nghĩa( Hiệu đính). -- Xb. lần 1. -- Tp. HCM.: SEATIC-Hội tin học Tp. HCM., 1991 175tr; 20cm 1. PASCAL (computer program language). 2. PASCAL (Ngôn ngữ lập trình). I. Lê Trường Tùng Dịch giả. II. Nguyễn Phúc Trường Sinh Dịch giả. III. Tuấn Nghĩa Hiệu đính....

     8 p hcmute 10/12/2013 287 2

    Từ khóa: PASCAL, computer program language, Ngôn ngữ lập trình

  • Pro/ Engineer 2001 instructor

    Pro/ Engineer 2001 instructor

    Pro/ Engineer 2001 instructor/ David S. Kelley. -- 1st ed.. -- New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001 564p. includes index; 25cm. ISBN 0 07 249940 0 1. Computer-aided design. 2. Mechanical drawing. 3. Pro/ Engineer. Dewey Class no. : 670.285 -- dc 21 Call no. : 670.285 K29 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN003735 (DHSPKT -- KD -- ) SKN003736 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )

     10 p hcmute 22/10/2013 456 1

    Từ khóa: Computer-aided design, Mechanical drawing, Engineer

  • Computer-Integrated manufacturing

    Computer-Integrated manufacturing

    Computer-Integrated manufacturing/ James A. Rehg, Henry W. Kraebber. -- Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2001. 496p.; 24cm. ISBN 0 13 087553 8 1. Computer integrated manufacturing systems -- LCSH. 2. Computer-aided design -- LCSH. 3. Mechanical drawing -- LCSH. I. Kraebber, Henry W. Dewey Class no. : 670.285 -- dc 21 Call no. : 670.285 R345 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN003377...

     11 p hcmute 22/10/2013 481 1

    Từ khóa: Computer-Integrated manufacturing, Computer integrated manufacturing systems, Computer-aided design

  • Computer graphics with OpenGL

    Computer graphics with OpenGL

    Computer graphics with OpenGL/ Donald Hearn, M. Pauline Baker. -- 3rd.ed. -- per Sađle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice-Hall, 2004 xxii, 857p.; 29cm Sách ngoại văn phô tô ISBN 0131202383 1. Computer graphics. 2. OpenGL. I. Baker, M. Pauline. Dewey Class no. : 006.6 -- dc 22 Call no. : 006.6 H436 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN006589 (DHSPKT -- KD -- ) SKN006586 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )

     10 p hcmute 17/10/2013 372 1

    Từ khóa: Computer graphics

  • Microcontroller projects in C for the 8051

    Microcontroller projects in C for the 8051

    Microcontroller projects in C for the 8051 / Dogan Ibrahim. -- Oxford ; Boston : Newnes, 2000 viii, 178 p. : ill. ; 24 cm ISBN 0750646403 1. C (Computer program language). 2. INTEL 8051 (Computer) -- Programming. 3. Programmable controllers. Dewey Class no. : 629.89 -- dc 21 Call no. : 629.89 I14 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN004724 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )

     8 p hcmute 15/10/2013 476 4

    Từ khóa: Computer program language, Programming, Programmable

  • Embedded design with the PIC18F452 microcontroller

    Embedded design with the PIC18F452 microcontroller

    Embedded design with the PIC18F452 microcontroller/ John B. Peatman. -- Upper Saddle River,NJ : Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2003 420p.; 25cm ISBN 0130462136 1. Embedded computer systerm. 2. Programmable controllers. Dewey Class no. : 629.89 -- dc 22 Call no. : 629.89 P363 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN004675 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )

     9 p hcmute 15/10/2013 611 5

    Từ khóa: Embedded computer systerm, Programmable controllers.

  • The physics of communication: Proceedings of the XXII Solvay Conference on Physics : Delphi Lamia, Greece, 24-29 November 2001

    The physics of communication: Proceedings of the XXII Solvay Conference on Physics : Delphi Lamia, Greece, 24-29 November 2001

    The physics of communication: Proceedings of the XXII Solvay Conference on Physics : Delphi Lamia, Greece, 24-29 November 2001/ dited by I. Antoniou, V.A. Sadovnichy, H. Walther. -- River Edge] New Jersey: World Scientific, 2003 xliv, 642p.; 24cm ISBN 9812384499 1. Kỹ thuật truyền thông. 2. Optical communications . 3. Quantum computers . 4. Quantum electronics . I. Antoniou, I. . II. Sadovnichiĭ, V. A. ....

     7 p hcmute 08/10/2013 467 1

    Từ khóa: Kỹ thuật truyền thông, Optical communications, Quantum computers, Quantum electronics

  • Android: A programmer’s guide

    Android: A programmer’s guide

    Android: A programmer’s guide/ J. F. DiMarzio. -- New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008 xvi, 319p.; 23cm Includes index ISBN 9780071599887 1. Android (Electronic resource). 2. Application software -- Development. 3. Mobile computing. Dewey Class no. : 005.3 -- dc 22 Call no. : 005.3 D582 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN006864 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )

     5 p hcmute 18/09/2013 401 1

    Từ khóa: Application software, Mobile computing

  • Ajax: The complete reference

    Ajax: The complete reference

    Ajax: The complete reference/ Thomas A. Powell. -- New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008 xvii, 654p.; 23cm Includes index ISBN 9780071492164 1. Ajax (Web site development technology). 2. JavaScript (Computer program language). 3. Web site development. Dewey Class no. : 006.78 -- dc 22 Call no. : 006.78 P882 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN006863 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )

     5 p hcmute 18/09/2013 141 1

    Từ khóa: Computer program language

  • Best of the eLearning guild's learing solutions: Top articles from the emagazine's frist five years

    Best of the eLearning guild's learing solutions: Top articles from the emagazine's frist five years

    Best of the eLearing guild's learing solutions: Top articles from the emagazine's frist five years/ Willam R. Brandon ( edited). -- San Franciso: Pfeiffer, 2008 xxvii, 383p.; 24cm ISBN 9780470239629 1. . 2. Computer-assisted instruction. I. Brandon, William R. Dewey Class no. : 371.334 -- dc 22 Call no. : 371.334 B561 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN006862 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )

     8 p hcmute 18/09/2013 262 1

    Từ khóa: Computer-assisted instruction

  • Introduction to business data processing

    Introduction to business data processing

    Introduction to business data processing/ Norman H. Carter. -- 2nd ed. -- Belmont, California: Dickenson Publishing Co., Inc. 1969. 265p. includes index ; 24cm. 1. Parallel processing ( Electronic computers ). 2. Toán chương trình. Dewey Class no. : 519.7 -- dc 21 Call no. : 519.7 C325 Dữ liệu xếp giá SKN000505 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )

     9 p hcmute 12/09/2013 371 1

    Từ khóa: Parallel processing, Electronic computers

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