World of diversity: Multicultural readings in the News

A World of diversity: Multicultural readings in the News/ Faun Bernbach Evans. -- 1st ed.. -- Illinois: NTCPublishing Group, 1997
274p.; 25cm.
ISBN 0 8442 5918 7
ISBN 0 8442 5919 5

1. College readers. 2. Current events -- Problems,excercies, etc. 3. English language -- Composition and exercies. 4. English language -- Rhetoric. 5. Pluralisn -- Problems, exercises, etc. 6. Readers. 7. Readers -- Current events. 8. Readers -- Social sciences. 9. Tiếng Anh thực hành .

Dewey Class no. : 428.6 -- dc 21
Call no. : 428.6 E92

Dữ liệu xếp giá
SKN003883 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )

Từ khóa: Tiếng Anh thực hành

10 p minhhoai 26/06/2013 181 1