The Bionic Human: Health Promotion for People With Implanted Prosthetic Devices

Although every year 5-10 million Americans have prosthetic devices fitted in their bodies, there are currently few well-accepted standards for their ongoing clinical management. In The Bionic Human: Health Promotion for People With Implanted Prosthetic Devices, a diverse panel of implant experts surveys the state of the art in patient follow-up for the most common prosthetic devices. The devices covered range from breast, penile, vascular, and joint prostheses to cochlear, ossicular, and dental implants, and include cerebrospinal fluid shunts, cardiac valves, stents, and pacemakers. For each device, the authors consider its pros and cons, detail the best current strategies to keep patients with implants healthy, and evaluate the latest and most promising new diagnostic tests. Clinical counterpoints from distinguished authorities at major centers in the United States and Europe are offered throughout.
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