Srategies for the new health care marketplace: Managing the convergence of consumerism and technology

Coddington, Dean C
Srategies for the new health care marketplace: Managing the convergence of consumerism and technology/ Dean C. Coddington, Elizabeth A. Fischer, Keith D. Moor. -- San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 2001

xxviii, 1418p.; 24cm
ISBN 0787955930

1. Medical care - Forecating. 2. Medical inovations. I. Fischer, Elizabeth A. II. Moor, Keith D.

Dewey Class no. : 362.1 -- dc 22
Call no. : 362.1 C669

Dữ liệu xếp giá
SKN004948 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )

Từ khóa: Coastal zone management, Coasts

8 p minhhoai2 19/06/2013 326 2