Scientific research utilization of plant-based natural coagulants

Water is an indispensable resource in our lives, and people need it to maintain their living activities and daily activities. Water is required in the industrialization and development of humankind. Although water makes up half of the Earth's surface, the amount of clean water needed to provide humanity is limited. According to some studies, in the future, people will stand on the edge of the lack of freshwater. Therefore, water treatment is always a top concern. Wastewater and feed water treatment are based on different criteria for design and operation. With many different way of treatment: trash rack, oil separator, sedimentation, filtration, sterilization, microbiological treatment, etc. Each method has its own arrangements with the goal of eliminating waste. Substance affects human health and needs. To achieve high efficiency, we need to use a variety of chemicals as a catalyst for the treatment process, which not only consumes a large number of chemicals and treatment costs but also contributes to increasing pollutants into the water.
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