Proceedings of the International Symposium on Frontiers of Collective Motions (CM2002): Aizu, Japan, 6-9 November 2002

Main topics of the symposium included recent theoretical and experimental progress on understanding of vibrational and rotational motions in nuclei. Collective motions of Bose-Einstein condensations and microclus- ters was also addressed. The symposium invited several keynote speakers to review and discuss what we have already understood and to identify what will be the challenge in the future. There were about 80 participants from 13 countries in the symposium. We had many excellent talks to present recent progress and future prospects. New ideas were also exchanged through lively discussions during the symposium. We had a public sessions at the last day of the symposium with 160 participants including students and professors of University of Aizu and also citizens of Aizu-Wakamatsu city.
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