Mastering Simulink

Simulink is a programming language specifically designed for simulating dynamical systems using standard block diagram notation. Designed for readers with the appropriate mathematical preparation that includes a good understanding of the fundamental concepts from introductory experience such as calculus and differential equations, this book presents detailed coverage of programming using Simulink. Beginning with a block diagram tutorial, the book presents an overview of Simulink and describes in detail the procedures for building, editing, and running a Simulink model. The book also provides explanations for debugging techniques, including the interactive debugger; contains an examination of Stateflow™, a Simulink extension that adds the capability to model finite state machines subsystems using a variant of the popular Statecharts formalism; and concludes with an introduction to Real-Time Workshop. For professionals with a career in engineering, control systems, programming, or science.

Từ khóa: Mastery Simulink, James B.Dabney, Thomas L.Harman

4 p ovanketv 30/12/2019 315 3

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