IELTS preparation and practice: Practice tests with annoted answer key

IELTS preparation and practice: Practice tests with annoted answer key/ Wendy Sahanaya, Terri Hughes. -- Oxford.: Oxford Univ. Press, 2002
145p; 28cm

ISBN 0195516311

1. Anh ngữ thực hành. 2. English -- Examinations. 3. IELTS examinations. 4. international english language testing system. I. Hughes, Terri.

Dewey Class no. : 428.24 -- dc 22
Call no. : 428.24 S131

Dữ liệu xếp giá
SKN005430 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )

Từ khóa: Academic English, English for business

6 p minhhoai 24/06/2013 536 6