Hbr's 10 Must Reads 2018: The Definitive Management Ideas of the Year from Harvard Business Review (with Bonus Article "customer Loyalty Is Overrated") (Hbr's 10 Must Reads)

This book will inspire you to:
Reconsider what keeps your customers coming back
Create visualizations that send a clear message
Assess how quickly disruptive change is coming to your industry
Boost engagement by giving your employees the freedom to break the rules
Understand what blockchain is and how it will affect your industry
Get your product in customers' hands faster by accelerating your research and development phase
This collection of articles includes "Customer Loyalty Is Overrated," by A.G. Lafley and Roger L. Martin; "Noise: How to Overcome the High, Hidden Cost of Inconsistent Decision Making," by Daniel Kahneman, Andrew M. Rosenfield, Linnea Gandhi, and Tom Blaser; "Visualizations That Really Work," by Scott Berinato; "Right Tech, Wrong Time," by Ron Adner and Rahul Kapoor; "How to Pay for Health Care," by Michael E. Porter and Robert S. Kaplan; "The Performance Management Revolution," by Peter Cappelli and Anna Tavis; "Let Your Workers Rebel," by Francesca Gino; "Why Diversity Programs Fail," by Frank Dobbin and Alexandra Kalev; "What So Many People Don't Get About the U.S. Working Class," by Joan C. Williams; "The Truth About Blockchain," by Marco Iansiti and Karim R. Lakhani; and "The Edison of Medicine," by Steven Prokesch.
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