Encyclopedia of special education : A reference for the Education of the Handicapped and Other Exceptional children and adults : Volume 3

Encyclopedia of special education : A reference for the Education of the Handicapped and Other Exceptional children and adults : Volume 3 / Edited by Cecil R. Reynolds, Elaine Fletcher-Janzen. -- 2nd ed. -- New York : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2000
856 p. ; 29 cm
ISBN 0471253251

1. Education, Special -- Encyclopedia. 2. Giáo dục chuyên biệt -- Bách khoa từ điển. I. Fletcher-Janzen, Elaine. II. Reynolds, Cecil R.

Dewey Class no. : 371.903 -- dc 21
Call no. : 371.903 E563

Dữ liệu xếp giá
SKN003421 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )
SKN003422 (DHSPKT -- KD -- )