Digital color management : principles and strategies for the standardized print production

Contains illustrations and provides numerous tips and tricks on how to work with colour in pre-press in a graphic manner. It should be useful for those in design, image editing and offset printing, providing access to the principles and applications of digital colour management.


The use of different input/output equipment (scanners, monitors, printers, etc.) in computer-aided publishing often results in the unsatisfactory reproduction of color originals in print and online media. The theoretical principles of color, color measurement, and offset printing are indispensable for calibrating the overall course of production. This book, printed in four-color throughout, provides not only this, but also numerous tips and tricks on how to work with color in pre-press. Special attention is given to a digital media production work-flow that makes use of Adobe Photoshop. The accompanying CD-ROM includes numerous demo versions of color management tools.
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