Cherished Quilts for Babies and Kids : From Baby and Kid Projects to High School Graduation Gifts
35 quilting projects for babies, kids, and teens Heirloom quilting and sewing are perennial favorites and continue to enjoy an upsurge in popularity as crafters look for more ways to hone their skills to make beautiful handmade pieces. With Cherished Quilts for Babies and Kids, readers will find a stunning collection of 35 heirloom-quality quilting projects-5 of which have never appeared in American Patchwork & Quilting magazine. Every quilt is "quilter tested to ensure consistent results and the book's convenient concealed spiral binding makes it a snap for quilters to lay open flat and follow along. * Full-size patterns for all projects, including a quilt diagram, easy assembly instructions, and schematic illustrations * Ideas and inspiration for making beautiful throws and bed-sized quilts * Beautiful full-color photographs of every project Perfect for gift-giving to children from birth to high school-age, the projects range from crib- and bed-sized quilts to keepsakes and more
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