Art students who suspect that their work suffers from anemia, and who are looking to develop dynamic cartoon characters, can cure their graphic ills with regular visits to Cartoon Clinic. This heavily illustrated book tells them whether their drawings need major surgery or just a little first aid. It offers prescriptions for common cartoon ailments, from faces lacking liveliness to action figures that have run out of steam. The basics of lively cartoon drawing are explained with hundreds of illustrations. Brief but highly informative tutorials focus on virtually every aspect of cartoon drawing, including―Using graphic devices to help tell a story, such as motion lines and dust puffs behind moving figures and sweat drops flying from frightened heads . . . Adding dimension and personality to cartoon characters by giving them comic props and highly individual costumes . . . Making animals human-like by giving them hands and expressive faces, and by standing them on their hind legs . . . and much more. Examples of finished cartoons by professional artists show students successful renditions of effective cartoon art while pointing out ways in which budding cartoonists can fully develop their own talents. More than 300 color illustrations.


12 p ovanketv4 31/05/2017 707 4

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