Build a movie reviews and tickets booking website with angular and Asp.Net core: Faculty of high quality training Graduation's thesis of the Information technology

Build a movie reviews and tickets booking website with angular and Asp.Net core: Faculty of high quality training Graduation's thesis of the Information technology/ Ton Nu Nhu Quynh, Nguyen Ngoc Tu Duyen; Le Van Vinh (supervisor). -- Ho Chi Minh city: Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology and Education, 2021
xiv, 197p.: ill; 1 file
No paper version

Dewey Class no. : 006.7 -- dc 23
Call no. : CTT-10 006.7 T663-Q178

Từ khóa: Web application, Website, Le Van Vinh, Phan Dang Trung

213 p ovanketv4 31/05/2022 208 4

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