• Kỷ yếu chương trình tập huấn công nghệ Blockchain và những ứng dụng thực tiễn

    Kỷ yếu chương trình tập huấn công nghệ Blockchain và những ứng dụng thực tiễn

    ☘ Để hiểu blockchain là gì và tại sao công nghệ này được phát triển, cần phải hiểu Internet hiện tại đã phát triển như thế nào. Internet như chúng ta biết hiện tại đã trải qua một sự tiến bộ đáng kể qua các giai đoạn phát triển từ Web 1.0 đến Web 3.0. Giai đoạn Web 1.0, từ những năm 1990 đến đầu 2000, tập trung vào việc cung cấp thông tin qua...

     280 p hcmute 02/10/2023 361 8

  • Tổng quan về Blockchain

    Tổng quan về Blockchain

    ☘ Để hiểu blockchain là gì và tại sao công nghệ này được phát triển, cần phải hiểu Internet hiện tại đã phát triển như thế nào. Internet như chúng ta biết hiện tại đã trải qua một sự tiến bộ đáng kể qua các giai đoạn phát triển từ Web 1.0 đến Web 3.0. Giai đoạn Web 1.0, từ những năm 1990 đến đầu 2000, tập trung vào việc cung cấp thông tin qua...

     15 p hcmute 02/10/2023 302 7

  • Tính toán cầu đúc hẫng trên phần mềm Midas

    Tính toán cầu đúc hẫng trên phần mềm Midas

    Tính toán cầu đúc hẫng trên phần mềm Midas/ Nguyễn Viết Trung (ch.b), Nguyễn Hữu Hưng, Nguyễn Đức Vương. -- Tái bản. -- H.: Xây dựng, 2018. - 132tr.; 27cm. Call no. : 005.3 N573-T871

     7 p hcmute 19/09/2023 168 0

  • Handbook of pattern recognition & computer vision

    Handbook of pattern recognition & computer vision

    The very significant advances in computer vision and pattern recognition and their applications in the last few years reflect the strong and growing interest in the field as well as the many opportunities and challenges it offers. The second edition of this handbook represents both the latest progress and updated knowledge in this dynamic field. The applications and technological issues are particularly emphasized in this edition to reflect...

     8 p hcmute 11/09/2023 286 3

  • Annual review of scalable computing. -- vol2.

    Annual review of scalable computing. -- vol2.

    Annual review of scalable computing. -- vol2. -- Singapore University: World Scientific, 2000 xiv, 227p.; 25 cm ISBN 9810244134 1. Computer engineering -- Research. 2. High performance computing. 3. Parallel processing (Electronic computers). 4. Parallel processing (Electronic computers) -- Research. 5. Supercomputers -- Research. I. Yuen Chung Kwong. Dewey Class no. : 004.3 -- dc 23 Call no. : 004.3 A615

     6 p hcmute 11/09/2023 171 0

  • Mastering Python for data science: Explore the world of data science through Python and learn how to make sense of data

    Mastering Python for data science: Explore the world of data science through Python and learn how to make sense of data

    "Mastering Python for Data Science" by Samir Madhavan is a comprehensive guide to using Python for data science. The book covers various topics related to data science such as data analysis, data visualization, machine learning, and natural language processing. The book starts with an introduction to Python and its libraries, followed by an overview of data science and its lifecycle. The author then covers data analysis techniques using...

     14 p hcmute 09/05/2023 329 2

  • MATLAB deep learning: with machine learning, neural networks and artificial intelligence

    MATLAB deep learning: with machine learning, neural networks and artificial intelligence

    MATLAB Deep Learning: With Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence" by Phil Kim is a comprehensive guide to deep learning using MATLAB. The book covers various topics related to deep learning such as machine learning, neural networks, and artificial intelligence. The book starts with an introduction to MATLAB and its deep learning toolbox, followed by an overview of deep learning and its applications. The author then...

     13 p hcmute 09/05/2023 331 3

  • MATLAB Machine Learning Recipes : A problem - Solution Approach

    MATLAB Machine Learning Recipes : A problem - Solution Approach

    MATLAB Machine Learning Recipes : A problem - Solution Approach/ Michael Paluszek, Stephanie Thomas. -- 2nd ed. -- Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2019 xix, 347p.: ill ; 25cm Summary: Harness the power of MATLAB to resolve a wide range of machine learning challenges. This book provides a series of examples of technologies critical to machine learning. Each example solves a real-world problem. All code in MATLAB Machine...

     19 p hcmute 09/05/2023 253 0

  • Intelligent control: a stochastic optimization based adaptive fuzzy approach

    Intelligent control: a stochastic optimization based adaptive fuzzy approach

    Intelligent Control: A Stochastic Optimization-Based Adaptive Fuzzy Approach" by Kaushik Das Sharma, Amitava Chatterjee, and Anjan Rakshit is a comprehensive guide to intelligent control systems using a stochastic optimization-based adaptive fuzzy approach. The book starts with an introduction to intelligent control systems and their applications, followed by an overview of fuzzy logic and its applications in control systems. The authors...

     13 p hcmute 09/05/2023 264 1

  • Neural network methods for natural language processing

    Neural network methods for natural language processing

    Neural Network Methods for Natural Language Processing" by Yoav Goldberg is a comprehensive guide to using neural networks for natural language processing (NLP). The book covers various topics related to NLP such as language modeling, part-of-speech tagging, syntactic parsing, and sentiment analysis. The book starts with an introduction to neural networks and their applications in NLP, followed by an overview of the basic concepts of NLP...

     16 p hcmute 09/05/2023 238 3

  • Artificial intelligence techniques for satellite image analysis

    Artificial intelligence techniques for satellite image analysis

    Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Satellite Image Analysis" by D. Jude Hemanth is a comprehensive guide to using artificial intelligence (AI) techniques for analyzing satellite images. The book covers various topics related to satellite image analysis such as image preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification. The book starts with an introduction to satellite image analysis and the role of AI techniques in this field. The...

     7 p hcmute 09/05/2023 215 1

  • Fundamentals of deep learning: designing next - generation machine intelligence algorithms

    Fundamentals of deep learning: designing next - generation machine intelligence algorithms

    Fundamentals of Deep Learning: Designing Next-Generation Machine Intelligence Algorithms" by Nikhil Buduma is a comprehensive guide to deep learning. The book covers various topics related to deep learning such as neural networks, convolutional neural networks, and recurrent neural networks. The book starts with an introduction to deep learning and its applications, followed by an overview of neural networks and their architectures. The...

     11 p hcmute 09/05/2023 310 4

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